It’s 2017… Let the competition begin!

Tour de Corde 2017

The annual NSW Tour de Corde Series is a Regional top rope competition series designed to promote participation, enjoyment, skills and fitness levels in all climbers.
It’s great fun whatever your climbing level.
5 big events in 5 different venues.

Tour de Corde dates:
 4th February – Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, Villawood
18th February – Pulse Climbing, Newcastle
4th March – ClimbFit, St Leonards
25th March – Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, St Peters 
8th April – The Edge Adventure, Castle Hill

There are fantastic overall series prizes and tonnes of lucky door prizes at each comp from Mountain Equipment,  Red Chili, DMM, Sterling, and 8cplus.

And this year for the first time ever we’re introducing Youth E, a one hour participation pump fest for kids under 10.
(By the way,  if you are under 10 and already climb in Youth D and want to stay in that category that’s totally fine.)

Entry fee for each event is $25 ($10 for Youth E).  Register and pay on the day.
All competitors must join Sport Climbing Australia online before the event at