2020 Board Members SCNSW/ACT

At the SCNSW/ACT AGM on November 17, 2019 we saw Mark Hornshaw VP of SCNSW/ACT step up into the President’s role as Barbara Dobie moves into the role of Treasurer. 

Big thanks to all the outgoing members of the committee Angela East, Pepe Newton, Kale McKauley, Dan Andres and Ian Parks. 

And congratulations to Rob Le Breton (VP), David Weeda and Emma Horan for sticking around for another year (love your work guys).  We also welcome Kerry-lee Kirk, Duncan Farquharson, Morn Lam and Chris Eather into our team.

Judging by the quick post-AGM-get-together exciting things are afoot! This is a new enthusiastic board who will take SCNSW/ACT in the next phase of Sport Climbing In Australia. Watch this space..

Mark Hornshaw, President SCNSW/ACT with son Hugo, NSW athlete