We are very excited to announce that 2021 NSW/ACT Youth State Titles for Lead and Speed are on!
Rego is now open on the SCA website! https://sportclimbingaustralia.org.au/event-4164949
All lead (Junior, Youth A and Youth B) and top rope (Youth C and Youth D) as well as Youth C and Youth D speed will be held at Climbfit Kirrawee on Saturday 20th March.
Junior, Youth A and Youth B speed will be held at Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, Villawood on Sunday 21st March.
Early Bird Entry prices valid until Sunday 28th February:
- Early Bird – Lead – $50.00
- Early Bird – Lead and Speed – $70.00
- Early Bird – Speed – $20.00
Full detail in the Info pack
There will be male and female categories in:
Junior – born 2002/2003
Youth A – born 2004/2005
Youth B – born 2006/2007
Youth C – born 2008/2009 (top rope)
Youth D –born 2010or after(top rope)
Junior, Youth A, Youth B(standardinternationalformat)
Youth C, Youth D (classic format)4.
Registration: All competitors must be current State or National members of Sport Climbing NSW/ACT. This costs only $20for State or $59for national membership for the calendar year.Membership allows you to compete in any climbing competition run by SCNSW/ACT throughout the year including Tour de Corde, Sydney Boulder Series and the NSW and ACT State Boulder Titles. Join at the SCA website. http://www.sportclimbingaustralia.org.au/join-us
Climbers are required to pre-register on the Sport Climbing Australia website.Registration at the venue on the day is not available.