NSW State Coach and Team Manager Roles – Seeking Applications

We are very excited to announce that Sport Climbing NSW/ACT is seeking candidates for the roles of Team Manager and Team Coach of the NSW State Climbing Team.

These are volunteer positions involving the organisation and administration of the NSW State Team – a fantastic opportunity to play an integral role in developing and supporting some of the finest sport climbing athletes in Australia.

Job descriptions for the roles can be found here

If you would like to apply for a role please email a cover letter and CV to sportclimbingnswact@outlook.com

Team ACTIV launch

Team ACTIV (Australian Climbing & Training Institute Villawood) is a high-performance training squad operating out of Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym Villawood.

The objective of Team ACTIV is to provide a supportive training environment for climbers competing at State, National and International climbing events. 

Team ACTIV is headed up by National Coaches for Sport Climbing Australia; Monique Forestier; Rob LeBreton and Sarah Yousouf. In addition, Carlie LeBreton, National Routesetter, will provide routes for the team to challenge themselves on a regular basis. This highly experienced team of coaches will work closely with Team ACTIV members and assist them to achieve their very best. 

Team ACTIV commences in February and will train twice a week at Villawood on Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:00-7:30pm.

To gain entry into the squad climbers will need to attend a selection event being held Wednesday 5th February from 5:30-7:30pm.

To register for the selection event or for further information please contact Monique at monique@climbingaustralia.com.au or Carlie at sicgvillawood@hotmail.com

2020 Board Members SCNSW/ACT

At the SCNSW/ACT AGM on November 17, 2019 we saw Mark Hornshaw VP of SCNSW/ACT step up into the President’s role as Barbara Dobie moves into the role of Treasurer. 

Big thanks to all the outgoing members of the committee Angela East, Pepe Newton, Kale McKauley, Dan Andres and Ian Parks. 

And congratulations to Rob Le Breton (VP), David Weeda and Emma Horan for sticking around for another year (love your work guys).  We also welcome Kerry-lee Kirk, Duncan Farquharson, Morn Lam and Chris Eather into our team.

Judging by the quick post-AGM-get-together exciting things are afoot! This is a new enthusiastic board who will take SCNSW/ACT in the next phase of Sport Climbing In Australia. Watch this space..

Mark Hornshaw, President SCNSW/ACT with son Hugo, NSW athlete

SCNSW/ACT Annual General Meeting

NOVEMBER 17th at 2pm

Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, Villawood


At our AGM on Nov 17th we are voting in a new board including the roles of:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Regular Board Members

People considering joining the board should make contact with us by emailing scnswact@outlook.com

What skills are we looking for? What have you got? All of these roles are part of the everyday ‘work’ of a volunteer run incorporated association…

  • Social media guru
  • Fundraiser
  • General administrator
  • Media liaison
  • Strategy setter
  • Designer
  • Web site manager
  • Policy writer
  • Athlete selection committee member
  • Competition official
  • Book keeper
  • Banker
  • Communications expert
  • Small business manager
  • etc etc

Any of these roles sound like you? Then consider it! We’d love you on the board.

email scnswact@outlook.com

Sydney Boulder Series 2019

This fun social comp features a pumpfest for 2 hours (youth) or 2.5 hours (adults). Solve as many problems as you can in the climbing time, but only your top 8 count toward your score.

Our top comp sponsors Mountain Equipment are on board yet again to provide awesome door prizes for the Sydney Boulder Series.
Overall series winners also receive Mountain Equipment vouchers.

Gotta be in it to win it! Register and pay on the day but remember you do need to sign up to be a member of Sport Climbing NSW/ACT to compete. Join here.

Keep up to date on faceboook…

Welcome Monique Forestier: NSW Climbing Coach

We’re super excited to announce that Monique Forestier has been appointed ‘NSW Climbing Coach’ for 2018.

Monique has already organised 3 training sessions and there will be more to come. If you are planning to compete at Regional, State or National level we hope you can get to one (or all) of them. ALL AGES WELCOME!

Monique Forestier, Mind Control (8c+, 34), Oliana, Spain.

Monique is one of the truly world class Australian climbers.

She has been an elite athlete herself, previously competing as a gymnast and then taking up sport acrobatics. She has been climbing for 20 years, with her most notable achievements being the first Australian woman to climb routes graded 31, 32, 33 and 34.

Monique has been expanding more into group and private coaching recently and represented NSW at the SCA’s Coaching workshops with Tonde Katiyo in November 2017.

Check out Monique’s website here http://www.moniqueclimbs.com.au/about/

Sydney Boulder Series: July 1

The Boulder season begins with SICG Villawood on the 1st of July.

Sponsors Mountain Equipment will once again generously provide awesome door prizes available to all competitors in each round. Overall series winners also receive Mountain Equipment vouchers.

This is the first year that we invite Youth E climbers (new climbers to the competition scene aged 10 and younger) to the Boulder series. Their pumpfest comp will go for one hour and each child receives a participation certificate.

Gotta be in it to win it! Register and pay on the day but remember you do need to sign up to be a member of Sport Climbing NSW/ACT to compete. Join here.

Keep up to date on faceboook…

It’s 2017… Let the competition begin!

Tour de Corde 2017

The annual NSW Tour de Corde Series is a Regional top rope competition series designed to promote participation, enjoyment, skills and fitness levels in all climbers.
It’s great fun whatever your climbing level.
5 big events in 5 different venues.

Tour de Corde dates:
 4th February – Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, Villawood
18th February – Pulse Climbing, Newcastle
4th March – ClimbFit, St Leonards
25th March – Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, St Peters 
8th April – The Edge Adventure, Castle Hill

There are fantastic overall series prizes and tonnes of lucky door prizes at each comp from Mountain Equipment,  Red Chili, DMM, Sterling, and 8cplus.

And this year for the first time ever we’re introducing Youth E, a one hour participation pump fest for kids under 10.
(By the way,  if you are under 10 and already climb in Youth D and want to stay in that category that’s totally fine.)

Entry fee for each event is $25 ($10 for Youth E).  Register and pay on the day.
All competitors must join Sport Climbing Australia online before the event at http://www.sportclimbingaustralia.org.au/join-us

NSW and ACT State Titles

With an awesome competition put on by Canberra Indoor Rock Climbing  last weekend for the ACT state titles we are only weeks away from a repeat performance at Bloc Climbing on Sept 10th and 11th.  In the NSW State Boulder titles our top 5 climbers in each category will be invited to represent NSW in the National Boulder titles in Brisbane in October. Great prizes from our good friends and supporters Mountain Equipment!

Registration is open now.  

2016 nsw boulder titles facebook banner